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(re)Connect, (re)Define, (re)Discover, (re)Write your future!

Hey sis!

I’m glad you’re here! I’m so excited to connect with you in an authentic and genuine way!

Have you ever found yourself living the life you dreamed of, only to feel unfulfilled? Do you feel like you’re spinning wheels only to get nowhere? Do you feel lost in a world where everyone else seems to have found their place? Do anxiety and fear about your future fill your mind and heart to the point that you can’t enjoy the beautiful life you’ve created?


I’ve been there! I followed all the rules, did what I was “supposed” to do and yet, I felt lost, alone and completely unfulfilled. I looked ahead and saw the future I was writing and instead of filling joy and hope, I was filled with fear and anxiety. 

Here at Britt Writes, we gather as a community of women to (re)connect with our true selves and one another, (re)define success and (re)discover the simple joys of everyday life in order to (re)write our futures!

So sister, grab a cup of coffee, a Topo Chico, a glass of wine, or whatever fills your cup, and let’s get busy (re)writing a future that excites you!

Home: Welcome

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