Last night after supper, our daughter was begging for a movie night but what she got, was so much more.
We’re at my parents for the week and my husband has enjoyed fishing at the tanks daily. Last night, as we pulled in the gravel drive, rocks crunching under our tires, our daughter was begging to have a “big girl” movie night and my husband was antsy with anticipation to get back for a late evening fishing session.
Suddenly, the two’s desires collided.
Instead of getting “big girl” time in the form of staying up late to watch a movie, my husband invited our daughter to something much more special… a late evening fishing trip to the tank.
The look on her face was worth it all!
As we unloaded the car, she scampered around, quickly listening to every request we made to “go potty, grab your sweater,” and “put on your rain boots.”
As we loaded up the mule, 2 adult fishing poles and one small pink pole, she was giddy with excitement… and so was I.
As we drove past the lower tank on the property and headed up the hill, my mind was flooded with memories of my childhood. We didn’t have a fancy side-by-side then, but we’d load up in the back of my dad or uncle’s truck, poles in hand, ready to take on the day or evening.
This top tank was where we fished and fished as kids. My parents, granny, cousins and aunt and uncle would all scatter around the tank, ready to catch the evening’s supper. This was especially exciting during lent season, when Friday catfish fries were a weekly occurrence.
And so it was last night, we drove to the top tank just like we did as a kid. The only difference was this time, it was my kid riding along, excited about the special adventure.
As my husband allowed her to pick where she wanted to set up to fish, I shared stories of when mommy was little, and my favorite spots as a girl. She had a twinkle in her eye as though the significance of this moment wasn’t lost on her.
The moon was gorgeous and full, shimmering off the tank as frogs sang chorus to us. Our daughter, initially trimmed with the setting sun sinking behind us, soon grabbed her fishing pole and cast her line… further than mine I might add.
As I reeled in a fish, she jumped up and down in excitement. With encouragement, she came to my side and her lip bit back in uncertainty, stuck out a finger to feel the shining, slick scales of the fish.
Last night my husband and I looked at each other in awe numerous times. No words had to be said. Joy is what we felt and saw. We knew these moments were memories in the making, and ones we wouldn’t soon forget.
As I continue moving forward in this new season of life I am not too far removed from the stress of my old life, to realize, just a few months ago, last night would not have happened before.
In the past, I wouldn’t have taken off this many days of work, feeling guilt of leaving my team “hanging.” I would have been so exhausted from a week of frustrations that I would have stayed behind, or told my husband it was too late for our daughter.
In the past, I would have missed all of these moments to connect and experience joy with my daughter and husband. Without even realizing it, I would have missed reminiscing on old memories, and creating the new ones.
Is there something you are missing out on? Do you even realize it? Are there simple moments of reconnecting with family and rediscovering joys that are slipping past you?
Take a moment to think on it. Sister, I’ve been there! I don’t want you to miss it! Because I’m here to tell you, these moments are worth anything and everything you may be leaving behind!
