Do you have a life others dream of, but you still feel an empty void? Do you lie awake at night because you followed “the rules,” you worked your butt off to get where you are, but yet you’re dreaming of something more?
Girl you’re not alone
Do you have beautiful children who you love, but sometimes find yourself hiding in a closet trying to just have one moment, just one freakin moment of peace and quiet so you don’t lose your mind?
Girl you’re not alone
Do you have faith, but can’t quote a lick of scripture? Do you wonder if God really hears you or heck, if He even exists sometimes, but at the same time feel deeply there’s something bigger than us all?
Girl you’re not alone.
Do you find yourself in one moment having a loving, thoughtful mature conversation and the next cursing like a sailor because you can’t get your ish together?
Girl you’re not alone.
Do you have moments when your thoughts go dark, you feel empty and you don’t understand why? Or do you feel things so deeply and strongly, all while having a million thoughts running around your mind that you feel crazy?
Girl you’re not alone.
Do you feel on top of the world, like you have it all together one moment, and the next feel like you’re hurling out of control on a rollercoaster ride you didn’t even realize you were on?
Girl you’re not alone.
Do you want to move up the ladder, loving your career and wanting to make more of an impact in the world, but the next moment envy the mom that’s at home with her kids?
Girl you’re not alone.
Do you feel like others look at you and think you’re too much? Do you feel judgment behind your back that you are full of it because one moment you’re thanking God for your blessings, and the next moment dropping words your mom would wash your mouth out for saying?
Girl you’re not alone.
Do you feel lost because the world seems to have such polarized views, that you feel you’re not allowed to sit in the middle and say, I can see both sides?
Girl you’re not alone.
Over the past several years, months, weeks and days I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of some really great conversations with some amazing women where all of these questions have been posed. I’ve been a part of conversations where we confide in one another that we feel alone and crazy for having these thoughts, feeling all the feels, and acting different ways.
And here’s what I’ve finally come to realize…
We are dynamic people!
We are not meant to be flat, one dimensional beings.
We are allowed to be multiple things.
We are allowed to feel all the feels, and be all the things if that’s what is on our hearts and in our souls.
We are not crazy. We were meant to grow and stretch and question all the things.
We did not stop morphing and changing after our pubescent youth. And my God, thank goodness. I can’t imagine feeling confined to a life where I had to be and act one way all the time.
I have changed, I will change.
You have changed, and you will change.
And here’s the thing, that is ok.
I’m here today to give you permission to change and be your full and complete self.
I’m here to tell you, you’re not crazy for questioning any of the above and sister I’m definitely here to tell you
You are not alone.