To be creative
To be free
To look at the world with wonder
To look at the world as your canvas
Be free and move forward
Be free and go wild
Be you and be brave
Be you and be proud
Our little artist has been so much fun to watch as she grows in her skills and abilities! Painting and working with paint markers has been a favorite pass time of hers lately!
I love watching her explore life in such a creative way! She creates without fear of judgement, or fear of imperfection. She concentrates and puts forth effort, but no matter the result, looks up at us beaming in pride of her final masterpiece!
I envy the ease in which she creates! We so often are so fearful of our imperfections, that we prevent ourselves from the opportunity to be creative. We limit our abilities before we even put forth effort to try.
It’s been such a sweet invitation from our little girl to sit next to her and paint! We stir in each other creative ideas and she pushes me outside of my comfort zone.
When is the last time you sat down to create? Take some time to do it! Whether it’s painting, arts and crafts, writing, sewing, wood working, etc. Better yet, do it without attachment to the end product! Let yourself be free in what you do, and see how freeing it can feel!
